Montana State Professor Soon to Complete Documentary on 2022 Floods

Montana State Professor Soon to Complete Documentary on 2022 Floods

After the historic flooding in June 2022, Montana State University Assistant Professor of Film Hugo Sindelar set to work creating a documentary chronicling the devastating floods that affected Yellowstone National Park and its gateway communities. Once considered a 1-in-500-year event, changing climate conditions are making events like this more common. The film will delve deeper into how these changing weather and climactic patterns lead to these events and what can be done to both rebuild and help adapt. 

Sindelar has also published an accompanying article titled "Lessons from the 2022 Yellowstone Floods: The Power of Documentary Film Interviews," in which Sindelar relays what he learned from stakeholders about the flood's impact and how preparedness and responses can be improved for future natural disasters. "The paper makes it easier to relate actionable guidance and lessons learned," Sindelar said. "You don't have the ability to delve into the details in the film." 

A third project by Sindelar, a podcast titled "Bison Jam," covers a wide range of topics related to Yellowstone National Park and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. 

Montana State Professor Soon to Complete Documentary on 2022 Floods

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