Tourism Grant Opportunities

Tourism Grant Opportunities

Destination MT offers two upcoming Tourism Grant Programs, the Pilot Community Tourism Grant Program (PCTGP) and the Economic Impact and Destination Event Grant Program for local partners. Both grants are new to Destination MT and are intended to boost visitation and revenues in rural areas and those underserved by tourism. In addition, the town of West Yellowstone is offering a $100,000 funding opportunity for a multi-day event in West Yellowstone for 2025 — a great fit for someone looking to utilize the Event Grant Program!

Pilot Community Tourism Grant Program

The first, PCTGP, is a broad-based tourism grant to help rural communities, or communities centered around a shared activity or theme, define, develop and implement new tourism products. Each selected tourism-ready community may be awarded up to $2.75 million in grant funds for up to 60 months.

Grant funds can be used for various things, such as support and resources, such as hiring a consultant to do a tourism assessment, or tourism asset and product development, like building a civic center to house events. Training in leadership and collaborative marketing is also allowable.

The grant is not intended to be the sole funding source, so interested communities must provide additional funding, and Destination MT will reimburse approved grant dollars. Eligible communities include:

You can find more information at

Economic Impact and Destination Event Grant Program

This reimbursement program offers up to $25,000 to entities wanting to create new events to increase tourism, promote Montana’s unique attributes, and generate additional community revenue.

Eligible Applicants Include:

Eligible Events:

Destination MT generally will consider eligible applicant’s proposals to host events that promote tourism, community pride and Montana’s unique cultural heritage, including, but not limited to:

A local match is not required for this program. You can find more information at

Non-state Grants

Funding Criteria:

Eligibility Criteria:

Why Choose West Yellowstone?

How to Apply: After February 1, 2024, interested organizers can find the funding application and guidelines at

The deadline to submit a proposal is June 30, 2024. Proposals can be emailed to Liz at  

Tourism Grant Opportunities

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